September 10, 2010, Newsletter Issue #185: RV Generator Maintenance

Tip of the Week

Along with safety comes maintenance. Your generator, like any vehicle, needs scheduled oil changes to run smoothly. RV generators, both gas and diesel, need to be exercised regularly.

Gasoline generators can develop fuel related problems within as little as one month if left idle. Varnish (a gummy residue from old fuel) can clog the carburetor. Be sure to use a fuel preservative when your RV is in storage. However, you should still run the generator to heat the generator windings, counter moisture accumulation, lubricate your engine seals and prevent carbon build up.

To exercise the generator, run for at least two hours monthly with a fifty percent load (turn on the air in the summer or heat in the winter = 2,000 watts). If your generator fails, look to accessories like the RV power inverter or RV power converter. An inverter converts DC to AC power, while a converter converts AC to DC. Also check the breaker for a trip or a blown fuse. Always consult your owner’s manual or an RV parts and service store for your unit’s load ratings, maintenance intervals and RV generator parts.

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